Why are you trying to cancel someone for there political beliefs just because they're not yours? Tinx’s whole thing is growth and learning from yourself — and she’s still learning. You’d think this author would be happy to see people growing and changing from every political stand point.

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I appreciate that this might be your career, and I understand that. But people are EXHAUSTED with everyone trying to tear everyone down. The fat tweets, those are horrible. But criminalizing her for her opinion because it is not what yours is? As a 27 year old progressive woman, this makes me sad.

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I’m sorry is there something wrong with being conservative? None of that was that bad…comedians make 10x worse comments everyday…it’s Twitter for crying out loud. Not everyone in Hollywood has to be a liberal fool.

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I mean her friendship with Diplo was kind of a foreshadowing of her questionable ethics

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If my “big sister” posted sh*t like this, I’d be pissed at her. No matter the year. It’s extremely problematic - particularly because of the regard that many young women hold her.

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I once DM’d Tinx in her early days telling her that her content is super triggering for young girls with eating disorders. She replied saying she used to have an ED too. I find it extremely problematic that someone with an eating disorder history promotes their diet, Prolon, continously romanticizing some of the unhealthy consequences of restriction (compulsive eating etc). I assume that all this body shaming in the tweets is a reflection of how she spoke to herself back in the ED days.

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I wouldn’t have an issue with this coming out if Tinx didn't present herself as the most supportive person who is accepting of everyone … a completely different person than what ALL of these tweets show.

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The sad part about the conservative views is how she has gay friends and preaches female equality and the like yet republicans politicians have been pushing against equality, trans rights, etc. it doesn’t exactly follow her brand that’s all

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Love some good clickbait

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